Power students looking to visit companies

Sterkstoomdispuut (SSD) zoekt bedrijven

Sterkstoomdispuut (SSD) zoekt bedrijven


The Sterkstoomdispuut (SSD) is the association for and by Electrical Power Engineering students at the TU Delft. One of our goals is to get students in contact with the industry. This is done via lunch lectures, excursions and trips.

The next trip is the “Berlin trip” this April/May. In this trip 18 Master students will travel through the Netherlands and Germany towards Berlin and back . On the way we are planning to visit some electrical engineering related companies.

Via Dutch Power we are looking for companies who want to help us making this trip possible. We would like to know if you are open to welcome us and facilitate a guided tour at your company. If you have any questions or want more information, just let me know! You can contact me on Commissioner@sterkstroomdispuut.nl

If this sounds interesting please feel free to contact us.

With kind regards,

Niels De Winter
T: 06 21 40 57 87
M: Commissioner@sterkstroomdispuut.nl
L: https://www.linkedin.com/in/niels-de-winter-991b8495/